Libertarian Handbook 1972
“A guide to the new anti-political movement” it says on the cover. Interesting booklet published by Vincent McCaffrey and Mark Frazier in Manchester, VA. Suggests that there will be a 1973 edition. This handbook breaks down subjects into convenient topics: Issues, A Short History, Tactics, Quotes, Strategy, Enterprises (businesses, mainly), Films, Records (unusual, all classical), Periodicals of Interest, Books (Fiction/Non Fiction), Associations (mainly libertarian), Individuals (Past and Present), and Essays (Law, The Libertarian Challenge, The Idea of a Libertarian Party (by ALDA owner Mike Holmes), The Mercenary ‘Menace’, along with a Classified Ad section.
A remarkable collection for students and researchers of the early 70s American libertarian movement.
What is Libertarianism? By Antony C. Sutton
Cayman Press, Cupertino, CA 1973
Less than 20 pages, this tract outlines basic ideas of libertarianism and possible ways to achieve a better society.
Threads in the Black Flag by David Deleon
Research Group One Report No. 12, “A Bibliographic Outline of Anarchism”
A 24 page compilation of works by or about “Classical Anarchists” from the 19th century, including most of the American individualist anarchists. Includes some early 20th century activity such as the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the Sacco and Vanzetti trial (1921s).
Free World Chronicle, Libertarian International
Also listed in the Publications Wanted section, this single issue copy is Vol. III, No. 4, September 1985. 48 pages including the covers. Editor Vincent Miller and Asst. Editor James Elwood.
Both of these individuals were key activists in the sponsoring organization Libertarian International. This issue features several articles on the Second LI Conference in Beitostolen Norway, Paul Jacob on Draft Registration, an interview with LP chair and LI activist Jim Turney, other essays and world news of interest about libertarian groups and ideas.
The Mercury International Digest
This early publication seems to be a precursor publication (similar in format and size) to the Free World Chronicle published by Libertarian International in the 1980s. ALDA has Vol I, nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, March-Apr 1979 thru Sept-Oct 1979, Vol II, Nos 1, 2, 4, Jan-Feb 1980 thru July-Aug 1980.
Vince Miller is listed as Editor-in-Chief out of Toronto, Canada and the Publisher is shown as Roger MacBride, of 1972 LP Electoral College vote, subsequent LP Presidential Candidate (1976) and later founding chairman of the Republication Liberty Caucus (1991). Each issue runs about 78 pages in a small booklet magazine format. Subjects include a wide range of essays including some about non US activities. Some reprints from other mainstream publications but a varied and generally high quality content.
libertarian analysis (lower case title)
(This is a different and earlier publication with the same name as a later Atlanta GA based publication of a similar format edited by Stephen Halbrook, shown in Publications Wanted.)
Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, Winter 1970 thru Winter 1971. Published from NYC, NY.
Claiming to be the “first (and only, at the time) scholarly journal of libertarian thought” it is unclear whether or not the later lib analysis a formal successor publication. Halbrook did contribute to one article in one issue of this early group. Both similarly named magazines featured booklet format-sized fairly long articles about libertarian theory and history. Covering classical Left anarchist topics as well as then then emerging individualist American libertarian movement.
The editorial group included Chuck Hamilton and Mario Rizzo. Some contributors were from contemporary New Left circles whereas others, such as Rothbard, Hess and Joe Peden were editors/publisher of the then contemporaneous Libertarian Forum. The generally thoughtful intellectual mingling of both libertarian left and right contributors set a standard which has not been present in the American libertarian movement for several decades